Monday, August 25, 2008

LAW SCHOOL... yawn

At this moment I am staring at the powerpoint presentation with the ongoing thoughts:
" Is that really a picture of a pencil with squiggle marks running down the page? What the fuck are we in Kindergarden here?! Where are the pictures of blood hungry eagles? of blind justice and scales?! of lawsuits and mafia lords, and confiscated drugs and guns! This isnt the law school I dreamed of this is some whack ass pussy whipped shit right here"

A view from the back of the class - where the best students sit of course.

1 comment:

rob mcqueen said...

"this is some whack ass pussy whipped shit right here"

I have taught you well my dear. Your use of "whack", is superb, your timing with "pussy whipped", is impeccable, and to tie it all off your placement of time and location are astounding.

Your face has lost its smile my love. I wish I could be there to laugh at your classroom clipart with you. I miss you.