Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Matthieu Bessudo.

HOT DOG - i found a new source of comic inspiration. Matthieu Bessudo. flashback to old school mickey and the steamboat imagery with a touch of Japaneses comic pop art. i love it. but o another art school lackey? no this kid can rock out geetar style too!

Top 5 Best Dressed Advertising Icons

No. 1
It's a tie between the Monopoly man and Ed. Pinaud Clubman

No. 2
Joe Camel

No. 3
Quaker Oats guy

No. 4
Capitan Crunch

No. 5
Burger King's The King

Debonair Magazine just listed the top 10 best dressed advertising icons of 2008. Sadly The Jolly Green Giant only made it in at number 8, missing my top 5 cut. For the full run down click here:


b3 designers, british interior architectural consultants constructed a one off cardboard cafe,
during the london design festival. the team converted their east london studio into a temporary bar,restaurant and retail design experience. imitating the look of bricks the installation was put
together using numerous hot glue guns. for the opening night guests were served cocktails
in cardboard cups and encouraged to wear cardboard clothing. awesome? recycled interior goods? yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

markey mark ryden

omg mark ryden is from Art Center - that is sick