I fount this kid on cmykmag.com just browsing around trying to get off this 3 month hiatus and get my brain back to reality to start thinking what I'm going to do with my life, and I feel like I'm at crossroads. One way urging me to go back to the exciting uncertainty that is the world of art and the other that is telling me to go into the well crafted logical world of law. I think I've been grappling with this decision now for .... years... and to this day I am still clueless as to what to do. Patrick Kyle over here has pin pointed the path I need to take.
if only. cept one of me would be sleeping.
I love you so much Mindy and you can do great at whatever you do. Just take a moment and choose. You could spend the rest of your life saying "what if" or you could actually do something and spend the rest of your life saying "whats next".
I miss you a lot.
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